
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahiim
In the name of God that most gracious most merciful

Monday 9 November 2009

Lesung Jumengglung

Lesung jumengglung sru imbal-imbalan
Lesung jumengglung manengker mangungkung
Ngumandang ngebaki sajroning padésan
thok thok thek thok thok gung thok
thok thek thok thek thok gung

Ki Narto Sabda

Long time ago,  the song was familiar to my ear. 
Its as an intro song at rural program at RRI Malang
After ending the song broadcaster will said : " Para pamiarso ... "
That mean : "Hi listener ... "
Yea...  entire one hour the announcer talked in Java.

The song tell about voice of lesung, large rice pounder, like figure above
When women pound rice, sound from device action will appear
" thok thok thek thok thok gung thok
" thok thek thok thek thok gung
and ....  the voice cover entire village by turns

 Women are pounding rice together
(picture taken from http://www.accu.or.jp)

Now, modern era,  women not pound rice anymore.
Rice mill go around  the village to find customer
And Fixed rice mills close down one by one

Sing of pounding almost never listened anymore
and the song " Lesung Jumengglung " too.

Rice Mill moveable
(picture taken from http://sintanauli.files.wordpress.com)


  1. eunike brahmantyo10 April 2013 at 15:26

    Today I heard that song again from Youtube...and I know it's a beautiful song, it's become the description of food security condition in rural community...but only in the past...
    Let's make it back,"Lesung Jumengglung" to be true in our future.

  2. Eunike B, Thank you for your comment, how the way to make it come true? Today people just think about the result not the process.
