
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahiim
In the name of God that most gracious most merciful

Monday 28 December 2009

Great Present

I have received some presents, there are books, traditional textiles with local motif or t-shirt made in by special place and usually I give a book in return or bought them a special thing from place where I have been visited.
But, last year I got a nice present from my students when it was mother’s day. They come to my house someday, they arrived before I finished my work at my office, so they waited for me within thirty minutes. We talked about many things but not studying and campus. Finally when they would leave, one of them as representation of the group, gave a bouquet of flower and a big box. How astonished me, because that day was not my birthday or a special event. But, their voice when they said, “ Happy mother’s day “ , made my tears fall. How big their attention and respectation are big presents and the bouquet of beautiful flower is a nice present too.
I remember, that night I only gave them some warm tea and some cakes because I have nothing to eat, so I didn’t invite them to have dinner.

Great writing but...
As usual some correcting have to do :

Saturday 5 December 2009